The Team
School Mission: The International School provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitude, skills, knowledge, and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.
Counseling Objectives in relation to ISKL Core Beliefs:
All people have intrinsic worth. The counselors support our students as individuals with different strengths or weaknesses and different interests.
Individuals are both responsible and accountable for their choices. To encourage the self-confidence of each student and to help each to an awareness of his or her potential.
Open, honest and respectful communication is essential to mutual understanding. Ongoing communication with students, parents and teachers.
Diversity is a strength when people are committed to shared goals. Individual diversity toward post secondary planning results in a philosophy of "best fit" for students.
Individual and cultural diversity enriches life. Shared understanding within all ISKL programs.
Learning is a life-long journey that is transformational. We support students in their research of and application to universities throughout the world.
All people have the capacity to learn. School Counselors are an integral component of the Student Resource Team.
International School Counseling Model:
Our counselors provide a comprehensive counseling program to meet the social/ emotional and academic needs of all high school students through a variety of delivery methodologies including a grade level pastoral advisory program, grade level seminars, small group and individual counseling sessions. Counselors stay current on university admission worldwide and provide individual and group university counseling.
Ongoing collaboration with students, parents, teachers, administrators and the school psychologist regarding health and well being of our student body is at the heart of the counseling program.
From this website you can learn about our academic and social & emotional resources, summer programs available to our students, our university planning program, and link to Cialfo, our university counseling database.